Geminis have
a natural affinity with animals - particularly those who share
their agile minds. And because you are highly flexible and
adaptable, you are better equipped than many to rearrange
your life to encompass that of another creature - ideally
one to whom you can talk when there are no other humans around.
Your low boredom threshold means that
you need a pet which is intelligent, entertaining and quick
to learn. It is no coincidence that your sign is associated
with the clever and quick-witted monkey. However, since few
Geminis have the facilities, lifestyle - or, even, desire
- to care for a pet monkey, it is necessary to look a little
closer to home to find the kind of animals with whom you are
most likely to want to share your life.
Being born under what is known astrologically
as an Air sign means that you are particularly attracted to
birds. Indeed, your sign also has associations with small
birds, mynah birds and parrots. As a pet, the versatile cockatiel
is a natural choice for the typical Gemini. These cheerful,
sociable birds love to communicate with both humans and other
birds, can learn a limited vocabulary and need a considerable
amount of mental stimulation to prevent them becoming bored.
Smaller than a parrot, but larger than
a budgerigar, they are also best kept in pairs, a significant
factor for those born under the sign of the Twins who frequently
spend much of their lives seeking their spiritual other half.
Because your ruler Mercury, the planet
of communication, also rules dogs, Geminis tend to get on
extremely well with man’s proverbial best friend. An
ideal companion for the typical Gemini is the border collie
which is extremely intelligent, quick to learn, lively and
inquisitive - to the extent that it values mental stimulation
and exercise more than food.
In common with most Geminis, border collies have an excess
of nervous energy and you are, therefore, ideally suited to
burn it off together on long walks - a physical necessity
for both you and the dog.
If you feel that a cat would fit in better
with your particular preference, requirements and lifestyle,
a havana is a very Gemini cat, being active, intelligent,
amusing sociable and extremely communicative. Lean and wiry,
the cigar-coloured havana, one of the few natural breeds of
brown cat, has a great deal of character but needs plenty
of attention.
When it comes to something a little more imaginative - and
Geminis are nothing if not imaginative – you might think
about a leopard gecko, a highly active and very quick lizard
which can be kept indoors in a vivarium, breeds readily in
captivity and can live to over 20 years.
The suggestions above are merely guidelines
and in no way suggest that there is only one breed or type
of pet which is suitable for any one Zodiac sign. And it is,
of course, essential to know everything there is to know about
buying and keeping any pet before taking it home.