Virgos are the
inveterate worriers of the Zodiac. You worry about your work,
your finances, your families, your future, your health. You
worry if you have nothing to worry about, fearing the lull
before a storm. You mistrust feelings of satisfaction, happiness
or contentment, suspecting them to be no more than fleeting
respites from your anxieties. Your worries tend to affect
your digestive system causing problems such as nervous stomachs
or duodenal ulcers.
Diligent and sensitive, you live in a state
of perpetual motion, either physical or mental, interspersed
with periods of great lassitude. You have abundant nervous
energy which can cause tension leading to headaches and migraine.
Your greatest need is to learn how to relax - your mind as
well as your body.
Frequently self-deprecating and self-denigrating,
Virgos never fully appreciate their own talents and attributes.
It is a failing aggravated by your tendency to be deeply self-critical.
At its most extreme, this makes it hard for you to believe
that anyone could actually like or love you for yourself.
You need a powerful injection of self-confidence to enable
you to accept - and believe - compliments and praise.
Being ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind,
Virgos have fine intellects. You are articulate and eloquent,
possessing the ability to be objectively analytical about
concepts as well as situations.
Virgo's natural home in the Great Wheel of the
Zodiac is that area of the solar chart related to health and
hygiene, and typical Virgos tend to be meticulous about such
matters, sometimes to the point of hypochondria. You care
about your appearance and can be over-critical of your body.
Seldom ill, you are attracted to healthy diets and vegetarianism.
Because Virgo rules the intestines, including the bowels,
Virgos need lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and fibre in their
diets and should drink plenty of water. Fresh air and exercise
are also vital for your general health and well-being.
Natural remedies often suit your delicate digestive
system better than pharmaceutical drugs. Alcohol, nicotine
and coffee are all liable to be more detrimental to the Virgo
system than to those of some of your more stalwart Zodiac
Conscientious, committed and reliable, your
natural reserve means that you are, at times, unfairly accused
of being selfish or self-centred. In fact, the reverse is
the case and you are more likely to go out of your way to
help those who need your advice or assistance.
Virgo is also the sign of duty and Virgos have
a natural desire to serve others, often choosing to follow
a vocation rather than a more worldly career. You make wonderful
doctors, nurses, healers and ministers of religion. You are
not renowned for your ambition, frequently believing your
limitations to be greater than they actually are, gaining
pleasure from a job well done and through accomplishing your
ideals. You badly need to learn how to blow your own trumpet
since you tend to be too busy pursuing your personal brand
of excellence to spare the time to tell others about your
achievements. More than anything, Virgos need to learn how
to love themselves.
With Neptune, the planet of deception
and illusion, currently passing through the health angle of
your solar chart, where it will remain until April 2011, you
should be taking particular care of your health since you
may be more prone than normal to passing infections and illnesses.
Drugs and alcohol, in particular, will have an even more potent
effect than is normally the case.