Sagittarians tend
to view the world through rose-tinted spectacles. Cheerful
and optimistic, with an infectious zest for living, you have
the enviable ability to sail through life wrapped in a security
blanket of good humour and wishful thinking.
Your restless nature needs regular injections
of changes and challenges. You value your freedom highly,
becoming resentful and frustrated if you feel that it is being
inhibited in any way whatsoever. Any kind of repetitive work
is very definitely not for you. Feelings of being trapped
or restricted can result in emotional or, even, physical problems.
You need space, fresh air and a relatively freewheeling lifestyle.
On an intellectual level, you find other people's
dogmas and doctrines equally confining, preferring to follow
your own brand of home-grown philosophy. You have a critically
low boredom threshold and are physically unable to stay put
for more than two minutes at a time.
The life and soul of any party, Sagittarians
love good food and fine wines frequently to the point of intemperance.
The fact that Jupiter, the planet of excess, rules your birth
sign, while Venus, the planet of good-living, rules the health
angle of your solar chart, means that you have a propensity
towards putting on weight, particularly around the hips and
thighs, as well as a need to take care of your liver and kidneys.
You need to be permanently on the move in order to avoid the
stresses and tensions of routine life.
Sagittarians are the natural sportsmen and women
of the Zodiac, frequently possessing tall and athletic frames.
You have good balance and the ability to excel at whichever
sport you turn your hand to. You are, usually, graceful dancers
with good coordination despite the fact that you can be extraordinarily
clumsy in your daily life, with a tendency to injure yourself
through carelessness or irresponsibility. You are also prone
to sporting injuries.
You are a curious mixture of wisdom and naivety,
combining your desire to say the right thing at the right
time with a remarkable knack for putting your foot in your
mouth when you attempt to do so. Your endearing frankness
can be less endearing for those on the receiving end of it!
Your love of long-distance travel and new experiences
makes you a fun and fascinating companion. You constantly
need fresh targets to aim towards and in which you can become
totally involved - often to the detriment of your current
responsibilities. You tend to try to do too many things simultaneously
and would be better off spreading yourself a little less thinly
and concentrating on one task at a time. More than anything
you need a clear focus for your passions.
Sagittarians are not good at relaxing and you
should learn to balance your natural exuberance by developing
your intellectual faculties. Equally, overactive minds can
be helped with mild physical exercise.
With Pluto, the planet of regeneration
and renewal, in your birth sign until November 2010, you are
in a marvellous position to work on those areas of your personality
which need improvement, to exorcise your hidden demons and
add new dimensions to your life.